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The Team


Rafał Wiatr

Rafał Wiatr

Attorney at law, Partner


Attorney-at-law, Partner
+48 71 722 08 13


A graduate of Faculty of Law and Administration from the University of Wrocław

Master Law degree – 2000

Between the years 2000-2007, Rafał was a university researcher at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the University of Wrocław. He is the author of several publications.

Attorney-at-law since 2005 – Member of the  Wałbrzych Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law.

Practice areas:

  • Real estate
  • Energy law
  • Company law
  • IT law
  • Business Law

The Managing Partner

Rafał provides legal advice to the clients in real estate transactions and in mergers and acquisitions, as well as in court disputes. He provides legal assistance in securing commercial transactions (mortgages, bank guarantees, insurance guarantees, insurance policies, promissory notes, trust accounts). Provides legal opinions in the field of company and commercial law. Rafał has extensive experience in drafting and advising on contracts in construction law, energy law, IT contracts, as well as commercial contracts within international trade. He was appointed and is also currenty appointed as a member of the supervisory board in several commercial companies.

Winner of the Forbes Profession competition in 2012 in the category of attorney-at-law – a profession of public trust and confidence.


  • English
Jolanta Wiatr

Jolanta Wiatr

Attorney at law, Partner
Attorney-at-law, Partner
+48 71 349 14 40


A graduate of Faculty of Law and Administration from the University of Wrocław

Master Law degree – 2002

Attorney-at-law since 2007 – Member of the  Wałbrzych Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law

Practice areas:

  • commercial law
  • contract law
  • business law
  • public procurement
  • copyright law
  • IT law

The Managing Partner

Jolanta specializes, among other areas in providing legal advice in the field of commercial law, copyright and IT law. Her practice concentrates on public procurement law. She has extensive experience in drafting and reviewing contracts and in proceedings before the National Court Register related to the registration of entities, their transformations,  reorganisation, restructuring and mergers.


  • Italian

Legal Advisors

Aleksandra Chrzczonowicz

Aleksandra Chrzczonowicz

Attorney at law
+48 71 349 15 58


A graduate of Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics from the University of Wrocław

Master in Law degree – 2013

Attorney-at-law since 2017 – Member of the Wrocław Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law

Practice areas:

  • labour law
  • commercial company law
  • public procurement law
  • administrative court proceedings law
  • undertaking litigation at every stage

Aleksandra provides comprehensive services to commercial entities and undertakes litigation. She supports the clients of the Law Firm in their day-to-day corporate operations,  drafting contracts between contractors and preparing other corporate documents. Also, she  has experience in the field of labour law.

Aleksandra has successfully led in a number of administrative proceedings – including construction law and spatial development strategy. She represented clients in cases heard by administrative courts, including appearing in the Supreme Administrative Court.

Aleksandra concentrates her practice in public procurement law. She advises both contracting entities and contractors. She supports the  public procurement process by drafting and reviewing procurement documents such as the specifications of essential terms of the contract, the documents of ESPD or contracts between contractors. She participates in conferences and seminars on the subject of public procurement process.

Aleksandra  has experience in representing the creditor in bankruptcy proceedings.


  • English (completed legal language course)
Katarzyna Jachim

Katarzyna Jachim

Attorney at law - Of Counsel


Attorney-at-law – Of Counsel


A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration from the Jagiellonian University
in Kraków

– Master of Laws – 2006

Attorney-at-law since 2014 -Member of the Wrocław Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law.

Associated with the law firm since 2011.


  • Company law,
  • business law,
  • civil law,
  • contract law,
  • litigation.

Katarzyna specializes in comprehensive legal services for business entities, including those with foreign capital participation. She has extensive experience in drafting and advising on agreements, including managerial contracts of foreign entities.

Her professional practice concentrates on commercial company law, with particular emphasis on corporate disputes and bankruptcy proceedings. She also specializes in proceedings leading to amend on the contents of the land registry.

Katarzyna provides legal services in Polish and English language. She advises  the Clients of the Law Firm, and cooperates with law firms in Luxemburg, the Republic of Cyprus and the USA.


  • English (including legal English),
  • German


Jarosław Załęski

Jarosław Załęski

Attorney at law - Of Counsel
Attorney-at-law – Of Counsel


A graduate of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics from the University of Wrocław.

In 2013, Jarosław obtained professional qualification as an Attorney-at-law; member of the Wrocław Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law.

As an Attorney-at-law, Jarosław cooperates with recognized law firms in Wrocław and the surrounding area.

Practice areas:

  • commercial company law,
  • legal services for listed companies,
  • business law,
  • contract law,
  • labour law.

Jarosław areas of practice include providing legal services for companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, in particular in the field of contractual agreements between contractors (including foreign conctractors), listed companies information obligations, labour law, legal services for General Shareholders Meetings, Management Board meetings and Supervisory Board meetings, drafting Articles of Association, regulations and other company documents in compliance with applicable legal requirements.

Jaroslaw professional practice also includes providing legal advice on the launch of new investments, formation of companies, their acquisitions and reorganisations.

Jarosław advises entrepreneurs on starting and carrying on a  business activity in any legal form (including natural persons, civil partnerships, partnerships and capital companies), with different scope of activity (from sole proprietorship to capital groups), including registration of business activity within the relevant authorities (including ZUS, US, CEiDG, registration courts of the National Court Register-KRS)

He represents interests of the clients within the following sectors: food, catering, construction, archaeology, transport, trailers and semi-trailers manufacture, development and energy. He provides legal services including drafting, reviewing and negotiating of contracts, as well as conducting litigation and pre-litigation proceedings.

Jarosław is fluent in English (he has completed a course in legal English at an advanced level), providing comprehensive legal services to entrepreneurs operating on the international market.


  • English


Monika Jankowska-Sabat

Monika Jankowska-Sabat

Attorney at law
+48 71 718 65 91


A graduate of the University of Wrocław in the following faculties:

– Master of Polish philology since 2003

– Master of Art history since 2006

– Master of Laws since 2009

-Attorney at law since 2015

-Member of the Wrocław Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law

Monika was a PhD student at the Department of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the University of Wrocław.


  • constitutional law;
  • civil proceedings;
  • civil law;
  • historical buildings and ancient monuments protection law.

Monika has many years of experience in the pursuit of receivables in court and supervision of proceedings at the bailiff enforcement stage, also in the real estate enforcement. Monika provides comprehensive services to corporate clients and conducts litigation. Her practice concentrates on legal protection of cultural heritage in the national and international aspect.


  • English

Author of several publications on legal protection of national heritage:

  • Constitutional national heritage and the Roma minority, in: Legal and social aspects of Roma community in Europe, edited by A. Frąckowiak-Adamska, A. Śledzińska-Simon, Wrocław 2011, pp. 109-140.
  • An immovable historical monument and architectural heritage. Comments on the ratification of the Convention on the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe, “Przegląd Prawa i Administracji, vol. 88, 2012.
  • Enhanced protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict – the proposal for a list of Polish objects, “Prawo”, No. 1, 2013.
  • Legal issues around digital publications of museum’s collection, in: Obraz i metody, edited by A. Seidel-Grzesińska, K. Stenicka-Brzezicka, Wrocław 2014, pp. 19-34.
  • The concept of collection in judicial decisions, in: Collections and museum collections. Legal issues, edited by P. Steca, P. Maniurki, and Opole 2015.


Marcin Zmórzyński

Marcin Zmórzyński

Attorney at law – Of Counsel
Advocate – Of Counsel


A graduate of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics from the University of Wrocław

– Master of Laws 2013

Advocate since 2017 – Member of the Wrocław Bar Association


  • tax law
  • commercial law
  • civil law
  • copyright
  • construction law
  • Public procurement law

Advocate with many years of experience in Wrocław law firms, provides comprehensive legal services to entrepreneurs. Marcin legal advice covers both legal and tax aspects of the business, in view of the overwhelming influence of one on the other – there is no legal advice without tax advice.

Marcin specializes in commercial and civil law, with particular emphasis on copyright law (new technologies law, IT law) and public procurement law. Marcin advises on construction investments – protecting the interests of investors, general contractors or subcontractors.
Marcin represents his clients in numerous arbitration prosedures and court disputes, participates in negotiations and business meetings. He also deals with criminal issues, mainly related to business activity.

Marcin conducts disputes of bank clients related to foreign currency mortgages.


  • English
Julia Janek

Julia Janek

Attorney at law
+48 71 349 15 58


A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration from the University of Opole in Opole.

– Master of Laws – 2016.

– trainee advocate – since 2017.

She has been practising as an Advocate  since 2020 and is a  member of the Wrocław Bar Association


  • material and procedural civil law;
  • criminal law;
  • debt collection and recovery;
  • family law.

Julia has gained her experience working for different law firms of advocates and attorneys-at-law providing legal services for both private and commercial clients, as well as providing legal services at the Opole University Student Pro Bono Centre “Bona Fides”. Julia has experience in court cases concerning personal and property insurance.

Julia concentrates her professional interests in particular on criminal and family law.


  • English (legal).


Lawyers and Applicants


Marta Nawrocka

Marta Nawrocka

Administrative Director
Administrative Director
+48 71 359-28-35


A graduate of the Faculty of History and Pedagogy from the University of Opole

Master’s degree in pedagogy – 2014

Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration from the University of Opole 2011-2014.

Marta ensures proper circulation of documents and information at the Law Firm, manages the diary and schedule and supports the team in all administrative and office activities.


  • English

Tax advisor